Blood supply to the head of the femur
4 groups of arteries :
- Extra-capsular arterial ring
- Trochanteric anastomosis
- Major contributions posteriorly from the horizontal branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery and anteriorly from ascending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery
- Ascending cervical branches
- Retinacular branches
- Arise from extra-capsular arterial ring
- Pass up beneath the synovial and capsular reflections
- In their passage they give branches to the metaphysis of the femoral neck
- There is a free intramedullary anastomosis between branches of the superior nutrient artery system, branches of the extra-capsular ring, branches of the ascending cervical branches and the subsynovial ring
- Form 4 groups; superior, inferior, medial and lateral
- The lateral group supplies most of the blood to femoral head
- At the margin of the articular cartilage, these vessels form a second ring the subsynovial intracapsular ring
- Subsynovial intracapsular ring (Chung)
- Circulus articuli vasculosis
- This ring may be complete or incomplete (complete more often in males)
- From this ring, epiphyseal branches arise that enter the femoral head
- Artery of the ligamentum teres
- From the lateral branch of the obturator artery
- Supplies small area about the fovea
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